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News from the movements

UK at risk of lawsuits if Pacific trade deal not amended, warn civil society organisations and academics
The UK faces “huge financial risk” of lawsuits if the Pacific trade deal is not amended, warn civil society organisations and academics in a joint letter published today.
IPEF negotiations: Maori demand direct representation and comprehensive protections for rights of Indigenous peoples
Māori Indigenous peoples have said in the recently released Ngā Toki Whakarururanga position paper that they that they have been denied direct independent sovereign representation in negotiations in the Indo-Pacific Economic Forum.
Statement: The EU-New Zealand Agreement should not be ratified
Fifty Civil society organizations call on the European Parliament not to ratify the trade agreement with New Zealand.
AfCFTA: More free trade? For whose benefit?
So what does this trade deal mean for ordinary Africans in a time of deep climate, economic and food crises?
7 reasons to stop the EU-Mercosur trade deal
Friends of the Earth Europe compiled 7 reasons why the EU-Mercosur is a toxic deal that we must stop now.
Government revisits trade clause that allowed Clive Palmer lawsuits
Clive Palmer’s move to sue the government in a secretive international tribunal highlights the need to amend Australia’s trade policy to prevent claims that could hamper emissions reduction efforts.
On track for sustainable trade?
The EU-New Zealand trade agreement from a sustainability perspective.
Energy transition mythbusters: Myth #6
Investment protection is necessary to encourage energy transition investment.
EU-Mercosur FTA: a political agreement at the expense of farmers?
A leaked version of the Mercosur response to the EU’s FTA joint instrument proposal suggests there are increasing negotiation differences between the two blocks.
Fossil fuel companies have a secret weapon. Here’s how Britain can help take it away from them
Eleven countries have already pledged to exit the disastrous international charter treaty. We must join them.
Karnataka, India: Farmers hold a forum on trade, climate and seed issues
The Indian Coordination Committee of Farmers’ Movement (ICCFM) held a three-day forum in Bengaluru to discuss ongoing trade negotiations in which India is engaged and the impact of the climate crisis on Indian agriculture, among other issues.
Canada: NFU calls for fair and just international trade systems
On this September 10th 2023, the NFU stands united with our allies in La Via Campesina calling for fair and just international trade systems.
La Via Campesina is determined to build an alternative framework for global trade in agriculture – written by the peasants, for the people
The peasants, small-scale food producers, wage and migrant workers and indigenous communities of La Via Campesina will draft an alternative trade framework, leveraging our collective knowledge of agriculture and food trade to ensure no one goes hungry.
Preliminary summary comments on the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) Supply Chain text (Pillar 2)
This text deals with the focus of IPEF, which is to reduce supply chain dependence on China and to create alternative networks of supply chains and prevent disruptions.
Position paper on indigenous peoples’ rights and protections
Ngā Toki Whakarururanga brings a Te Tiriti o Waitangi perspective to the trade policy space, which requires the Government of New Zealand to uphold and actively protect Māori rights to exercise authority over our lands, waters, resources and all taonga. That includes for IPEF.
Egregious corporate attacks on public interest policies
Many free trade and investment agreements allow multinational corporations to undermine democracy via a secret pseudo-court system known as Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS).
Unravel neoliberal trade: a failed solution to food sovereignty
APWLD produces the briefing paper to unpack the understanding of CSOs and movements on how neoliberal trade and investment agreements, and how the current system are undermining food sovereignty and women’s human rights while cementing corporate power.
How the US can enforce an “unenforceable” IPEF
The proposition that the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity will not be enforceable is an illusion.
The US Congress’s role in the IPEF and the possibility of a US “certification” requirement before the IPEF enters into force
Pillar 1 of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity is entitled “Trade” and is expected to have binding and enforceable trade-related commitments.
Nothing to lose but your supply chains: IPEF and the resilience agenda
Trade justice activists slammed the lack of transparency in the IPEF negotiation process. Social movements have showing resistance to demand prioritising labour, climate justice, and human rights over corporate profits in Indo-Pacific trade talks.